
Take a look at few rules that guide MSL SportQuiz


To ensure a fair gameplay for everyone, below rules apply;

  • Player must complete account profile
  • Player must answer all questions to win. Every cash reward after each attempt is settled immediately
  • Each question lasts 15 seconds and player is expected to pick an answer within the time frame
  • Unanswered question is counted against the player

Magazine Showcase

To feature in our monthly magazine, you must have at least 70% winning rate for the month
and must have completed profile with a valid avatar image.

Football Genius

To qualify for Football Genius of the month, you must emerge the winner in our monthly finalist draw.
This comes with other benefits such as awards, cash prizes and lots more.

Finalist Battle

Two sets of players are qualified for the monthly finalist battle;

  • The player(s) with the highest winning streak for the month &
  • The player(s) with the highest coins stake for the month

Even if you do not win the quizzes, you can still have high chances to win the second place or third when your stakes are high
Once a player made it to our finalist, they're shown on the website landing page as form of recognition.